2021 Port Hope House Tour – Save the Date, October 2, 2021!
Given the uncertainty due to the pandemic, we have taken the difficult decision to reschedule the House Tour to Oct 2, 2021.
We thank the eight homeowners who had graciously agreed to have their houses and businesses on the Tour this year. It promised to be a great Tour, and we were looking forward to profiling our town in such a historical and inspiring way. Good news: all eight have agreed to being featured for the 2021 House Tour on October 2nd, 2021, assuming social distancing and other pandemic-related issues have been satisfactorily resolved.
We also thank the House Tour Committee and the Marketing Working Group who have put so much into the early stages of the Tour. We’re looking into other ways of accomplishing some of the goals of the Tour, including building engagement with our website and social media profiles through video and other content. We’ll need your help keeping guests, volunteers and sponsors engaged in conserving Port Hope’s history and unique culture.
While a tough decision to reach, and disappointing to so many people in Port Hope and beyond, our committee and the Heritage Foundation Board agree that the safety of our guests, homeowners, volunteers and the residents of Port Hope must remain our top priority.
Save the date: October 2, 2021.
Please tell all your friends who are interested in historic architecture, decorating, antiques and small-town charm that we look forward to welcoming them then!
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About The Port Hope House Tour
The Port Hope House Tour, now in its 55th year, has become one of Ontario’s most popular annual house tour events. It attracts visitors from across the province, the U.S., as well as some from abroad. Our tour affords people to view the outstanding examples of vintage and contemporary domestic architecture for which our beautiful town has become known.
Our Purpose
The annual Port Hope House Tour raises funds for the preservation and restoration of architecturally and historically significant buildings in town as well as those in the greater municipality of Port Hope. In addition, we fund a Heritage Scholarship for a local student who is entering into one of the heritage trades at the post-secondary level.
All committee members are volunteers and all proceeds go to the Port Hope Heritage Foundation endorsed by the Port Hope of The Architectural Conservancy of Ontario.