PORT HOPE GARDEN TOUR – Saturday, June 11, 2022
You are invited to experience 10 town gardens, so diverse, so unique, colourful, intimate and spacious, formal and eclectic.
“Tickets Onsale Now” $25.00 per ticket
Tour starts at 10am until 4pm
Tour Headquarters: Port Hope Tourist Information Centre – 20 Queen St.
Ticket Outlets:
Port Hope
Holton’s Flowers – 62 Walton St.
Furby House Books– 65 Walton St.
Atelier on John – 46 John St.
Quinn’s Blooms – 277 Division St.
Baltimore Valley nursery – 5599 Hwy 45
Johnston’s Greenhouse – 871 Crawford Dr.
All committee members are volunteers and all proceeds go to the Port Hope Heritage Foundation endorsed by ACO Port Hope.
Information: 905 885-7929
A Preview Of The Gardens For 2022
2022 Port Hope Garden Tour Sponsors
Sponsor | Contact |
Giboshihill Hostas | www.simplyhostas.ca |
Moya McPhail Design | www.moyamcphaildesign.com |
Lang Construction | www.langconstruction.ca |
Byran Peters – Mortgage Intelligence | www.bpmortgages.ca |
Studio 100 – hair and esthetics | www.studio100.ca |
Desjardins Insurance | www.kimjoice.ca |
Lauria Auto Group | www.lauria.ca |
The Bee Works | www.beeworks.com |
Port Hope Garden Club | porthope@gardenontario.org |
Schmidt Law | www.schmidtlegalservices.com |
Lakeridge Chrysler | www.lakeridgechrysler.com |
Lynch Rutherford Tozer | www.myaccountants.ca |
Jayne’s Gourmet | www.jaynesgourmet.com |
Skratt Tree Service | www.skratt-tree.com |
Dane & Jute | www.daneandjute.ca |
Lynn Hardy – RBC Wealth Management | Lynn.hardy@rbc.com |
Janice Williams – Sothebys | www.janicewilliams.ca |
Davis Independent Grocer | www.yourindependentgrocer.ca |
Kingsmill Kitchens & Baths | www.kingsmillkitchens.com |
Royal LePage | www.discoverroyallepage.com/port-hope |
Richard’s Printing | www.richardsprinting.ca |
Hermas | www.hermas.ca |
C. G. Consulting Group | www.cgconsultinggroup.com |
Furby House Books | www.furbyhousebooks.com |
Bibelot | Jann.stefoff@gmail.com |
Alcock Nurseries | |
Vout Welding | www.voutwelding.com |
D. C. Hogarth & Associates | www.DCHA.ca |
Elliott Insurances Services | www.elliottinsuranceservices.com |
Pine Ridge Nursery & Garden Centre | |
Northumberland Tirecraft | www.tirecraft.com |
Davey Sand & Gravel | medavey@cogeco.ca |
Colour Concepts | www.colour-concepts.ca |
Elson Associates Interior Design | www.elsoninteriordesign.ca |
Wayne Lang – Assante Capital Management | wlang@assante.com |
Atelier on John | www.atelieronjohn.ca |
Vosburgh Home Décor | www.vosburghhomedecor.com |
Henderson Construction | www.hendersonconstruction.ca |
Bill Sunday Carpentry & Restoration | sundaybill@outlook.com |
Schuuz Footwear | |
Baltimore Valley Garden Centre | www.baltimorevalley.ca |
Penney & Company | www.penneyandcompanyhome.com |
Altima Dental | porthope@altima.ca |
Holtons Flowers | www.holtonflowers.com |
Royal Antique Rugs | www.royalantiquerugs.ca |
Bosley Real Estate | www.leecaswellclassichomes.com www.tinahubicki.ca |
The 2019 Port Hope Garden Tour was in the country this year, and we had over 571 tourists visit eight gardens. With the help of over 100 volunteers, we made a record-breaking $15,500.00 for the Port Hope Heritage Foundation. The money contributes to the restoration, conservation and preservation of historic buildings in Port Hope. Thanks to the committee of Ann Cox, Beverly Bachelor, Meg Thompson, Moya McPhail, Susan Carmichael, Suzanne Camm, and Victoria Terry, who made it all happen.
To see some of the amazing gardens from 2019 tour, visit our photo gallery below.